With a career that spanned more than 30 years, Lisa Lampanelli was a constant on
the comedy scene. With numerous tours, Grammy nominations, and national TV
guest appearances and specials under her belt, Lisa made headlines in 2012 when
she lost more than 100 pounds with the help of bariatric surgery. The comedian
went on to speak with unflinching honesty about her lifelong food and body-image
issues, and prepared to make the transition from insulter to inspirer. She announced
her retirement from stand-up comedy on the Howard Stern radio program in late
2018 and planned on dedicating her life to performing in storytelling shows, helping
people as a certified life coach, and being a general overall skinny little bad-ass.
Then, there was this TINY bump in the road: a freakin’ pandemic. Oh, and the deaths
of her mom and her aunt, and the inevitable 20 Covid pounds. So, when Lisa finally
lifted her head off the couch and out of her ass as the world started to open up, she
took the opportunity to look back on her life, including all the stuff she’d done
wrong, and what she’d learned from those things. And you know what the biggest
lesson was? All her failures – both personal and professional – were things not to be
ashamed of, but to be laughed at. Hence was born, “Lisa Lampanelli: Big Fat Failure,”
a cabaret show filled with stories and songs (yeah, that’s right, SONGS) in which the
former Queen of Mean comes clean about all the things she f’ed up!
So, if you’re someone who has screwed up more times than you can count, come see
“Lisa Lampanelli: Big Fat Failure.” They say “Misery Loves Company,” but it dies in
the face of laughter.