That number is great fun, as is the speakeasy tap-dance number featuring Ralphie’s teacher, played by Mikayla Petrilla, who swaps her schoolmarm persona for some real pizzazz. "
Miss Shields in A Christmas Story at the Count Basie Theatre.
Mikayla Petrilla's stage chemistry was just as tight with the other cast members as their stage chemistry is with each other, making her a very welcome addition…even as a newcomer, she fits right in with a group of cast members who have previously been acting together for a long time.”
The Princess in The Princess and the Frog at the Downtown Cabaret Theatre
“The whole acting ensemble was just that: a true ensemble, with Mikayla Petrilla making an excellent leading lady. Mikayla acted Morgan to a tee, both before and after her makeover - and she sings sweet, girl. (No wonder Jack was thrilled to have Morgan Freeman's phone #!)”
Phil Dorian. SCENE ON STAGE.
Morgan in The Two Month Rule at The Signature Theatre (New York Musical Festival)